Helping professionals grow and add to their tool-belts to prepare for their futures™.

(571) 283-1878
Risk-Based Auditing
This series of courses is to target and develop specific skill sets to ensure a successful career as an auditor.
Skills for Audit Success (2 – 4 days):
Critical Thinking Skills for Auditors (1 – 2 days)
Applying Creativity and Innovation to Any Career
Critical Thinking & Data Analytics (2 days)

Communication Skills (2 – 4 days)
Presentation Skills (1 – 2 days)
Data Analytics Skills (1 day)
CAATs & Continuous Auditing (1 day)
Computer Assisted Audit Tools/CAATs (1 day)
Continuous Auditing (1/2 day)
Effective Use of Automated Audit Tools, including CAATs

Interviewing Skills for Auditors (2 days)
Interviewing Skills: Getting the Information You Need (1 – 2 days)
7 Questions you must ask in every walkthrough / interview (1 day)
Risk Assessment Skills
Report Writing Skills
Writing and Selling Observations (1/2 – 2 days)
Communicating Audit Results (1 – 2 days)
Business Writing for Results (1 day)
Time Management Skills and Strategies (1 day)
All courses are completely customized depending on your audience needs.
How Can We Help You?
Contact us for more information:
or call 571-283-1878
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