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(571) 283-1878
Accounting Training
Accounting & Auditing (A&A) Update
This course will look at the recent activities of FASB as well as the Auditing Standards Board and Accounting & Review Services Committee of the AICPA. We'll look at the impact of the new standards and how you can prepare to implement them in a practical way. We'll discuss the Audit Quality Initiative of the AICPA and take a look at some common audit issues.
​Key focus areas include:
recent accounting standard updates (ASUs)
revenue recognition
financial instruments
going concern
SAS 132
audit quality initiative
Government A&A Update
The Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has been very busy lately. This course will review the accounting standards newly issued by GASB, including Leases, OPEB and Fiduciary Activities We will focus on the implementation of standards that will be effective in the near future. We’ll also discuss GASB’s current projects and exposure drafts so you better understand what’s coming down the road. We will close with a look at the major changes in Single Audit and Yellow Book impacting governmental accountants and auditors.
Not-for-Profit A&A Update
Not-For-Profit entities are challenged with many unique accounting issues. This course features a deep dive on the ASU 2016-14, which was issued in 2016 and impact how all NFPs prepare financial statements. We will also discuss other recent FASB standards and projects that impact NFPs, including revenue recognition for grants and the consolidation standard for NFPs that was issued in early 2017. As we turn from accounting to auditing, we will look at recent changes in auditing and attestation standards that will impact NFPs, the latest developments in OMB and Yellow Book requirements, and the AICPA’s Enhancing Audit Quality Initiative.
Revenue Recognition & Leases
This interactive course will provide the background and theory on the new revenue recognition and leases standard issued by the FASB.
​Participants will complete a number of engaging case studies which:
demonstrate the practical application of the five step revenue recognition process and call attention to practical implementation issues
demonstrate the accounting and financial statement impact of the new leases standard.
We will close the course with a review of key implementation issues and discuss the development of action items to insure a smooth implementation for clients or stakeholders.
All courses are completely customized depending on your audience needs.
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